Thursday 19 July 2012

What's in a Name?

Being born under the sign of Virgo, well, I've always regarded it as a misfortune; every Horoscope prediction for Virgo or summing up of Virgo's character is so dull - school report stuff: tries hard, persevering etc etc. Until I met this rose: it cost me 99p in B and M. It's called Virgo; it's an old rose first hybridised by a French nurseryman which gives it a bit of glamour! And it's beautiful, perfect buds open out to a rose with cheeky golden centre, the outside petals splashed with a pink blush as if Virgo has got something to hide...Hooray, hooray, that's more like it!! Never mind persevering....

Monday 2 July 2012


No, not snow, not leaves, not water down a hillside, but me, down two separate lots of stairs! Which is why there have been no new posts for a while. I have been in a lot of pain, and still am. Suddenly, it seems - and long before my time, I feel - I have a taste of what it's like to be semi-housebound. It's too painful to drive, too painful to walk far, too painful to garden. Even too painful to sit for long to write. I am getting help for it, and before long I am sure I'll be fine again. But how it makes me think of those who are faced with this every day, and for years. Do they do what I have done? Read and read and read: Murasaki, The Morville Hours, The Morville Year, Small island, Their Eyes were Watching God, The Tenderness of Wolves, The Stranger's Child, among a few of the books I've greedily ploughed through in recent weeks. What about the Telly you might ask? Well, I don't have one. I haven't had a TV for years now and don't want one. But I was very interested to learn that I am in that less than one percent of the nation who do not have TV! I have met 3 of that "less than". I wonder who are the rest? We must be a very select club. Or maybe you might think us barking mad...? Maybe, should I ever be housebound for real, I might change my mind... But not yet -oh no, certainly not!