Saturday, 24 August 2013


This telephone box stands in Clee St Margaret, Shropshire. And but for one amazing woman it would not be standing there now.
Betty was one of those unsung heroines who not only saved the familar red phone box but who also kept an eye on cleanliness in her village, picking up litter and removing dog mess. Not only all this but she was also one of those invaluable women who would help cheerfully out at any village event. She had a good sense of fun: when asked if she would like to go out anywhere with someone who had a car ( Betty didn't drive) she would answer slily "Oh, I'm afraid I do!" She loved going out and was game for anywhere and anything.
Which is what gave her the courage to save the phone box. BT had long threatened to remove it and when they finally arrived with their grappling hooks and lorry, Betty was inside the box and refused to come out. She won the day!
She was remarkably thoughtful  and never concerned with herself. A nasty fall followed by infection caused her ending but the very day before she died a friend and I went to see her in hospital, and, ill as she was, she still made it her business to know about our lives and how we were. Generous of spirit, full of fun and a sense of adventure, standing up boldly for what she thought was right, Betty was someone you never forget.

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